// License: GPL #if ($show_source) # {echo ""; show_source(basename($PHP_SELF)); echo ""; exit; } // Check/set language if (!isset($lang)) $lang = "da"; if ($lang != "da") $amplang = "&lang=$lang"; // Load local description for this picture serie if (file_exists($f = "envuedulocal.inc")) { include($f); $htmltitle_da = htmlentities($title); } // Standard top header if (!$mirror && file_exists($f = $DOCUMENT_ROOT."/includes/top.phtml")) { include($f); } else { echo "$title\n"; echo "
Billeder fra http://$SERVER_NAME$PHP_SELF
\n"; } // if $col/$row not set in "envuelocal.inc" or URL if (!isset($col) || ($col<2)) $col = 3; // Columns of pictures if (!isset($row) || ($row<1)) $row = 2; // Rows of pictures // "la description en vue" $des = "desenvue"; $cw = 180; // Cell width $ch = 90; // Cell height // EnVue(tm) 1.0.0, Copyright 2000 // by Hans Schou // Program begin. Do not edit (unless you have to) function findevent( $date ) { if (file_exists($f = "/home/www/www.sslug.dk/adict/localevents")) { $d = preg_replace("/(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})/", "\\1\\2\\3", $date); $allevents = file($f); while (list(,$EVENT) = each($allevents)) { list($DATE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$EVENTURL) = split(";",$EVENT); if ($d == $DATE) { if ($EVENTURL) return $EVENTURL; $url = "/adict/mgroup.php#".$d."0SSLUG?showfuture=0"; return $url; } } } return "../"; } function emailform($imgnum) { global $PHP_SELF, $alldes; echo "

\n"; echo "

\n"; echo "\n"; list($file,$idate,$da,$en) = split(";", chop($alldes[$imgnum])); echo "Hjælp med at rette fejl i tekster til billeder
\n"; echo "\n"; echo "
\n"; if (strlen($en) > 2) { echo "\n"; echo "
\n"; } echo "Eventuelt din email-adresse eller dit navn hvis du vil have svar:
\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "
Siden bliver opdateret når ændringen er blevet godkendt.\n"; echo "

\n"; } function emailchange($imgnum, $newtextda, $newtexten ) { global $alldes, $mailto, $myemail, $SERVER_NAME, $PHP_SELF, $SCRIPT_FILENAME, $REMOTE_ADDR, $REMOTE_HOST; $newtextda = preg_replace("/\\\\\'/","'",$newtextda); $newtexten = preg_replace("/\\\\\'/","'",$newtexten); list($file,$idate,$da,$en) = split(";", chop($alldes[$imgnum])); $diff = 0; if ($da != $newtextda) $diff |= 1; if ($en != $newtexten) $diff |= 2; if (!$diff) { echo "

Ingen ændring af tekst

\n"; echo "

Skriv en ændring i tekstboxen.

\n"; return 0; } $mail = "Tekstændring af: $myemail\n"; $mail .= "http://$SERVER_NAME$PHP_SELF?viewone=$imgnum\n"; if ($diff & 1) { $mail .= "\nGl.tekst: $da\n"; $mail .= "\nNy.tekst: $newtextda\n"; } if ($diff & 2) { $mail .= "\nGl.en.tekst: $en\n"; $mail .= "\nNy.en.tekst: $newtexten\n"; } $mail .= "\nBillede: $file\n\n"; $webpath = dirname($SCRIPT_FILENAME); $mail .= "Opdatering:\nssh $SERVER_NAME\nvi $webpath/desenvue +".($imgnum+1)."\n"; $mail .= "\nDenne mail sendes til: $mailto\n"; $header = "X-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion(); if (strlen($myemail) > 3) $header .= "\nFrom: \"$myemail\" <$myemail>\nreturn-receipt-to: <$myemail>"; else $header .= "\nFrom: www_admin@$SERVER_NAME"; mail($mailto,"## Tekstændring $myemail ## $REMOTE_ADDR $REMOTE_HOST",$mail, $header ); echo nl2br(htmlentities($mail)); echo "


Tak for ændring af teksten. Det vil snarest blive opdateret.

\n"; } // Check descriptions exists if (!file_exists($des)) { // What?! Too lazy eh\"? if (file_exists("typenvue.php")) { include("typenvue.php"); exit; } echo "

Trouble - typenvue.php not found

"; exit; } // Get all descriptions $alldes = file($des); // View only descriptions if ($description) { echo "$title


"; echo "

<-Back\n"; echo "Text file: $des

\n"; echo "
    while(list($num,$line) = each($alldes)) {
      list($file,$idate,$da,$en) = split(";", chop($line));
      $da = htmlentities($da);
      $en = htmlentities($en);
      echo "$num $file $da".($en?"($en)":"")."\n";
    echo "
"; exit; } if ($lang == "da") { $prevT = "Forrige"; $nextT = "Næste"; $notext = "- ingen tekst -"; } else { $prevT = "Previus"; $nextT = "Next"; $notext = "- no text -"; } // Mirror option if ($mirror) { $col = 3; // we fix at 3 cols $row = ceil(count($alldes)/$col); } // maximum coloumn is count($alldes) if ($col > count($alldes)) { $col = count($alldes); if ($col < 2) $col = 2; } if (!isset($start) || $start < 0) $start = 0; if ($start > count($alldes)) $start = count($alldes)-1; // adjust row to its maximum if ($row * $col > count($alldes)-$start) $row = ceil( (count($alldes)-$start)/$col ); if (!$start) $prev = $prevT; else { $s = $start-$row*$col; $s = ($s < 0 ? 0 : $s ); $s = ($s > count($alldes) ? count($alldes)-1 : $s ); $prev = "$prevT Ctrl-Alt-P"; } $end = $col*$row+$start-1; if ($end > count($alldes)) $end = count($alldes)-1; if ($end+2 > count($alldes)) { $next = $nextT; } else { $next = "Ctrl-Alt-N $nextT"; } $range = $start."-".($end>count($alldes) ? count($alldes) : $end)." (".count($alldes).")"; // View a one image if (isset($viewone)) { if ($sendchange) emailchange($viewone,$newtextda,$newtexten); if ($viewone) $prevone = "$prevT Ctrl-Alt-P"; else $prevone = "$prevT"; if ($viewone < count($alldes)-1) $nextone = "Ctrl-Alt-N $nextT"; else $nextone = "$nextT"; echo "


\n"; list($file,$idate,$da,$en) = split(";", chop($alldes[$viewone])); $da = htmlentities($da); $en = htmlentities($en); $da2 = ereg_replace("(http://[^ ,\r\n]+)","\\1",$da); $en2 = ereg_replace("(http://[^ ,\r\n]+)","\\1",$en); if (file_exists($file)) list($iw0,$ih0) = getimagesize("$file"); if (file_exists("2$file")) list($iw2,$ih2) = getimagesize("2$file"); echo "
\n"; echo ""; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; if ($en) echo "\n"; echo "
Dansk: $da2
English: $en2
\n"; if ($mailto) emailform($viewone, $da, $en); else echo "\n"; echo "


\n"; if (file_exists($file) && file_exists($jhead = "/home/chlor/bin/jhead")) { exec(escapeshellcmd("$jhead $file"), $exif); if (is_array($exif)) { echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; while (list(,$line) = each($exif)) { if (preg_match("/^([^:]+)\s*:\s*(.*)$/", $line, $match)) { echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; } } echo "
EXIF (jhead)
\n"; } } echo "


\n"; include($DOCUMENT_ROOT."includes/bottom.phtml"); exit; } ?>

$title"; else echo $title; ?>